Wiki Undertale

* Mon enfant, il serait plus juste pour toi de ne pas regarder ce contenu tant que tu n'as pas terminé le jeu, car il est rempli de SPOILERS .

* Sois sage, d'accord ?

Screenshot-Lost Souls

Toriel et Asgore en tant que Âmes Égarées.

Les Lost Souls (Âmes Égarées) sont des ennemis combattus durant la bataille contre Asriel Dreemurr. Elles sont les âmes des amis du protagoniste, qui doivent être sauvées afin de pouvoir progresser dans la bataille. Leur combat s'effectue à la manière d'un boss rush , où vous devrez combattre chaque boss de la même façon que vous les avez déjà combattu auparavant. Il est impossible de blesser une Lost Soul, toute attaque se résultant en un "MISS" (raté).


  • Undyne:
    • L’Âme Égarée lance des flêches au protagoniste de tous les cotés en Green Mode et il doit se protéger des lances grâce à son bouclier.
  • Alphys:
    • Des petits Mettatons rectangulaires descendent en douceur grâce à des parapluies et lancent des coeur gravés d'un M jusqu'à ce qu'ils arrivent au bas de l'écran.
    • Des bombes marquées d'un signe "+" avancent vers le bas, qui explosent en lasers de formation similaire lorsqu'ils sont tirés dessus grâce à la yellow soul.
  • Papyrus et Sans:
    • L’Âme Égarée attaque le protagoniste avec une série d'os scrollant à l'écran, qui peuvent être esquivés en sautant. Des os bleus sont utilisés, mais très rarement.
  • Toriel et Asgore:
    • L’Âme Égarée déplace ses mains le long de l'écran et laisse derrière elle une traînée de boules de feu qui suivent le protagoniste après un court laps de temps.
    • Des cercles partiellement complets, faits de boules de feu, se resserrent peu à peu vers le centre de l'écran.


  • Afin de 'vaincre' une Âme Égarée, il faudra ACT avec elle trois fois jusqu'à ce que sa mémoire revienne.
  • Pour les Âmes Égarées qui viennent en paire, il faudra ACT quatre fois envers une des Âmes Égarées et la mémoire de l'autre reviendra également.



  • All humans will die! [Neutral]
  • You're our real enemy. [Neutral]
  • Mercy is for the weak. [Neutral]
  • Well, some humans are OK, I guess! [After ACTing 3 times]


  • You hate me, don't you..? [Neutral]
  • I've got to keep lying... [Neutral]
  • All I do is hurt people. [Neutral]
  • No, that's not true! My friends like me! And I like you, too! [After ACTing 3 times]


  • ... [Neutral]


  • just give up. i did. [Neutral]
  • why even try? [Neutral]
  • you'll never see 'em again. [Neutral]
  • nah, i'm rootin for ya, kid. [After ACTing 3 times]


  • This is for your own good. [Neutral]
  • No one will leave again. [Neutral]
  • ... [Neutral]
  • Your fate is up to you now! [After ACTing 3 times]


  • Forgive me for this. [Neutral]
  • This is my duty. [Neutral]
  • ... [Neutral]
  • You are our future! [After ACTing 3 times]

Flavor Text

  • The Lost Soul(s) appeared. [Encounter]
  • The Lost Soul(s) stand(s) there. [Neutral]
  • Suddenly, [the/its/her/his] memories are flooding back! [After ACTing 3 times]


  • You asked the Lost Soul to teach you how to cook. She doesn't know why, but she kind of wants to teach you how... [Recipe]
  • You tapped the Lost Soul lightly. Something about the way you fight is familiar to her... [Fake hit]
  • You gave the Lost Soul a big smile, like you remember she likes to do. For some reason, she sort of wants to smile back... [Smile]
  • You clashed against the Lost Soul with all of your might. She feels your fighting spirit... It's familiar somehow. [Clash]


  • You tell the Lost Soul that you'll continue to support her. Something about the way you said that is familiar to her. [Encourage]
  • You call the Lost Soul on the phone... She starts to sweat. She doesn't know why, but this all seems very familiar... [Call]
  • You ask the Lost Soul for help on a quiz question. She barely holds back from giving you the answer... [Quiz]
  • You ask the Lost Soul what her favorite cartoon is. She can barely hold back from giving you an enormous answer... [Nerd Out]


  • You told the Lost Soul a bad pun about skeletons. He seems to hate it... But the other Lost Soul seems to like it. [Joke]
  • You asked the Lost Soul for help with a puzzle. He doesn't know why, but he really wants to help you. [Puzzle]
  • You asked the Lost Soul to cook something for you. The Lost Soul is trying to hide its joy... [Recipe]
  • You insulted the Lost Soul. Somehow, it seems flattered by this. [Insult]
  • Seeing how nicely you treated its brother, the other Lost Soul remembers, too! [After ACTing 3 times]


  • You asked the Lost Soul to take a break from fighting with you... It seems like it wants to. [Take Break]
  • You told the Lost Soul a bad pun about skeletons. He seems to love it... But the other Lost Soul seems to hate it. [Joke]
  • You tell the Lost Soul you think jumble is tougher than crosswords. (It nods its head, like it knew this without question./It seems to have some dim recollection of this fact...) [Jumble/Crosswords; depends on choice at Sans's puzzle]
  • You told the Lost Soul you'd think about what you'd done. It seems like it's trying to remember... [Judgment]
  • Seeing how nicely you treated its brother, the other Lost Soul remembers, too! [After ACTing 3 times]


  • You tell the Lost Soul that you have to go if you're going to free everyone. Something is stirring within her... [Talk]
  • You refuse to fight the Lost Soul. Something about this is so familiar to her... [Mercy]
  • You tell the Lost Soul you prefer (Cinnamon/Butterscotch) instead of (Cinnamon/Butterscotch). Somehow, she faintly recalls hearing this before... [Preference; depends on choice at the beginning of the game]
  • You hug the Lost Soul and tell her that you're going to see her again. Something about this is so familiar to her... [Hug]
  • Seeing her remember you, the male Lost Soul tried hard to remember you, too! [After ACTing 3 times]


  • You tell the Lost Soul that you're going to save everyone. Something stirs deep within him. [Talk]
  • You stare deep into the eyes of the Lost Soul. He remembers the gaze of humans past... [Stare]
  • You hug the Lost Soul. It seems like his aggression is slowly melting away. [Hug]
  • You tell the Lost Soul that you won't hurt him, no matter what. Something about this is so familiar to him... [Mercy]
  • Seeing how nice you are, the female Lost Soul's memories returned, too! [After ACTing 3 times]


  • Le combat contre la lost soul d'Alphys est le seul moment où on voit Alphys attaquer.
  • Attaquer la Lost Soul de Undyne fera apparaitre "MISS" plusieurs fois au lieu d'une seule.
  • Sans, contrairement à Papyrus, n'utilise pas la police Comic Sans MS ou son bruit unique lorsqu'il parle avant d'être sauvé.
  • Lors de la partie Sans/Papyrus, Sans montre un échantillon de quelques attaques qu'il utilise lors de la Route Génocide.

Personnages principaux FloweyTorielSansPapyrusUndyneAlphysMettatonAsgore DreemurrFriskChara
Ennemis des Ruines MannequinCroâpaudÉmoplasmeJellynusculeFrancilLégumoïdeMitgospNapstablook
Ennemis de Couveneige ColhivertCoolhivertCalotte GlacéeOffrêneCommandogueCanisse et CanibelleMinichienMaxichienJerryGlydeMad Mew Mew
Ennemis des Chutes AaronJellygantesqueLavtoaTemmieRagequinTimorène
Ennemis de Calciterre VolcâlinTsunderplanePyroliéMuffetGardes RoyauxTellement Désolé
Ennemis dans le NOYAU Croâpaud UltimeHéroplasmeAstigmateMalicienPaladodo
Amalgamis Head-MémoireChienmoisMoisseauneurLimande CheloueMère de Colhivert
Ennemis du Mode Difficile SerpanaisJelly-méloMitgospel
Vendeurs Vendeur de Glace GentillyMarchande de CouveneigeGersonBoutik TemGatty et CattyMac Futal
Autres personnages PNJPetit MonstreChien PéniblePasseurHumainsAsriel Dreemurr
W. D. GasterÂmes Égarées